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River Valley Jeep Jam in Historic Downtown Van Buren

May 17 @ 7:00 am - 3:00 pm

May be an image of jeep and text that says 'River Valley Jeep Jam Saturday, May 17,7:00am 4:00pm Historic Downtown Van Buren Award Categories MartinEvans Marlin Evans Best in Show Registration: 7:00am-12:00pm 7:00am-1 People's Choice (#ducks) Judging: 1:00pT -3:00p Entry Fee: $25 Best BestPaint Paint BestAudio Best Audio T-shirts: $15(S-XL), $20 (2X-4X) Most Modified Ugly Duckling Gladiator Award Fun for the entire family!! ! Miracle Network Children's Hospitals 1 1Award per Jeep Judges: Rotary Club'May be an image of jeep and text that says 'River Valley Jeep Jam Proceeds benefit Children's Miracle Network Hospitals Saturday, May 17, 7:00am -4:00pm Downtown Van Buren Sponsorship Packages Headline, $1,500 $2,500 Banner, 2 vendor tables, Judge, 100 ducks, Event shirt Platinum, $500- $1000 Gold, $100-$ $499 Organization on banner, Vendor table, 50 ducks, Event shirt Organization on banner, 25 ducks, Event shirt Silver, $50 $50-$99 $99 10 ducks, Event shirt Bronze, $20 -$49 5 ducks Contact Jeremy Evans, 479-629-6039 to reserve your sponsorship'


May 17
7:00 am - 3:00 pm


Jeremy Evans


Main Street Historic District
700-400 Main Street
Van Buren, AR 72956 United States
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